Chris Lesanko
Chris is very fortunate to have played Lacrosse for numerous years and what he has learned is PASSION.COURAGE.DEDICATION on the field translates into success off the field.
Chris has always had a strong passion for the game of Lacrosse both fields and box. Chris excelled at the game. Playing his Intermediate and Junior Men's career in Sturgis they won multiple provincial championships and he recieved 5 All Star Awards and MVP in 2001. In 2001, Chris took a scholarship to Green Mountain College NCAA Division II and lead the nation in assists per game and received Rookie of the Year on his team. He would then return to play with Sask Junior and Senior at nationals that year and he would won back to back National Championship titles in the same year. Chris was also tied with the most points in Junior standings and would receive First Team All Star when he attended nationals from 1997-2001. 2002-2005 Chris also coached and took three teams to Nationals. Chris was recruited to Bishops University where he would be 2nd in scoring in the Canadian University Field Lacrosse Association CUFLA. He would receive First Team Canadian All-Star and Rookie of the Year. In Chris's second-year, he would continue to excel receiving the MVP Bishops Lacrosse Award and also for the first time ever in Bishops history, a Lacrosse player won the Male Athlete of the Year which was Chris. Unfortunately, later that year Chris was involved in a devastating accident leaving him paralyzed which would jeopardize his Lacrosse career for the rest of his life.
Although Chris is unable to play anymore it would not stop him from being active in the sports that he loved. Chris would continue coaching and took a team to Nationals in 2008 and 2010, Chris was the Commissioner of the Prairie Gold Lacrosse League PGLL 2011-2015, Chris is the President of Regina Field Lacrosse 2012-present and also now sits as the Program Cordinator for Saskatchewan Lacrosse Association.
Chris also play Box Lacrosse - he was a two-time PGLL All-Star and attended Founders National Championships twice once with Saskatoon and Moose Jaw.
Chris now is actively involved in his rehabilitation and exercise program through a facility that he founded in 2010 called FIRST Steps Wellness Centre. He is currently still completing his degree in environmental studies and should be completed in 2016.